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- ANPR - Do I require a special PC?

You only require a computer with with minimum ,

-64-bit Windows 7+

-Intel® Core™ i7 +

-6900K + 

-Nvidia Graphic card 

- ANPR - Do I require a special Cameras?

95% of  any 2MP IP camera will work some cases you may require a camera with better feature its all depends on environment where the camera will be installed 

- ANPR - What size GPU do I require?

basic calculation you will require 1GB GPU RAM per camera

- ANPR - Do I require any additional hardware to operate ?

if you intended to use the solution for a car-park or gated area then we may have add additional hardware(PLC) or we can do direct integration with your barrier/gate as long as the have network capabilities 

- ANPR - How do i calculate my GPU requirement?

You will 1GB GPU RAM for Each Camera.

- ANPR - Do you help us with the setup?

Yes we will set everything up for you or we will give you remote support.

- ANPR - What's the accuracy rate ?

In ideal conditions, can achieve accuracy 99% or higher. However, real-world environments often present challenges, such as poor lighting, obstructed plates, or moving vehicles. As a result, accuracy rates range from 95% to 98%.

- ANPR - Can use ANPR for public car-park?

Yes  and it comes with the car-park software managment 

- ANPR - Does your software have car-park payment calculation ?

Yes  and it comes with the car-park software management this includes payment calculation 

- ANPR - Can you provide a insulation diagram?
- ANPR - Do I require an internet Connection?

Yes internet connection required at least once every 7 days to make sure your application up to date.

- ANPR - Do you offer trial period ?

Yes we do offer  between 30-90 days free no obligation trial on the software only

- CCTV - What Camera Brand do you supply?

We provide more than one brand based on customer requirement

- CCTV - What type of Warranty do you offer after insallation ?

We onsite warranty than means if you camera stopped working for any reason  we will send the technician to replace it for you at your convenience 

- CCTV - What cameras Connection Protocol do you supply?

Digital & Analog Protocols it depends on your requirement 

- CCTV - Do you provide maintenance contracts ?

Yes we do that can be done annually , Monthly or per call-out it all depend on the customer needs  

- CCTV - Do you sell wireless Camera ?

Yes we do 

- CCTV -Do you provide Support for cameras not installed by you?

Yes we do and the support will be chargeable 

- CCTV -How frequent do i require camera maintenance?

Ideally every 3 months is some harsh environment frequently 

- CCTV -what kind of maintenance required for CCTV system?

lens Cleaning, Cable inspection, RJ Connection, Power supply, Recording, Network Connectivity, System update 


- CCTV -What is the typical response time for a technician in an emergency?

in most cases our response time between 1-2 hours it depends on the location 

- CCTV -How do i know what camera suits my requirement?

its all depend on the area you wants the cover, please feel free to contact us for assistant 

- CCTV -What is the difference between Analog and IP ?

Analog: Traditional method:Quality: Prone to noise and degradation over time, leading to lower quality.

IP (Internet Protocol) Digital method:Quality: Generally higher quality due to digital encoding, reducing noise and distortion

- CCTV -What hard-Disk suitable for CCTV surveillance ?

SSD (Solid-State Drive) Faster, more durable, and quieter than HDDs, but they can be more expensive.

Western Digital Purple:These drives are specifically designed for surveillance applications, offering features like power loss protection and 24/7 operation.

Seagate Skyhawk: Another popular choice for surveillance, known for their reliability and high capacity.



- Facial Recognition - Do I require a special PC?

You only require a computer with with minimum ,

-64-bit Windows 7+

-Intel® Core™ i7 +

-6900K + 

-Nvidia Graphic card 

- Facial Recognition - Do I require any additional hardware to operate ?

if you intended to use the solution for a door or gated access then we may have add additional hardware(PLC) or we can do direct integration with your barrier/gate as long as the have network capabilities 

- Facial Recognition - Can I use it for access control?

Yes, one of the main function is access control.

- Facial Recognition - Do i require an internet connection?

Yes internet connection required at least once every 7 days to make sure your application up to date.

- Facial Recognition - Do you help us with the setup?

Yes, we will set everything up for you or we will give you remote support.

- Facial Recognition - Do you offer trial period?

Yes we do offer  between 30-90 days free no obligation trial on the software only

- Facial Recognition Time & Attendance - does it have tracker feature?

Yes tracker option is available in our facial recognition software 

- Facial Recognition Time & Attendance - Whats the accuracy rate?


- Facial Recognition Access Control - Do you offer trial period?

Yes we do offer  between 30-90 days free no obligation trial on the software only

- Facial Recognition Access Control What hardware do i require?

You only require a computer with with minimum ,

-64-bit Windows 7+

-Intel® Core™ i7 +

-6900K + 

-Nvidia Graphic card 

- Facial Recognition - can i change or modify record if needed?

No and this is one of the reason many business see our solution reliable source of information

- Fusion Splicing - Do you give a replacement machine until my machine serviced ?

Yes we offer you a courtesy machine free of charge while your machine been serviced.

- Fusion Splicing - What models are available?

280T All-Rounder Middle Trunk Line Fusion Splicer , KL-360T Backbone Optical Fusion Splicer, 280E All-Rounder Middle Trunk Line Fusion Splicer

- Fusion Splicing - How long does a typical splice take?

A typical splice can be completed in 6-15 seconds, depending on the model and fiber type.

- Fusion Splicing - What is fusion splicing?

Fusion splicing is a method of joining optical fibers by using an electric arc to melt the fiber ends together.

- Fusion Splicing - What fiber types can your splicers handle?

Our splicers can handle single-mode, multimode, and specialty fibers including bend-insensitive and erbium-doped fibers.

- Fusion Splicing - What's the battery life of your portable splicers?

Our portable splicers typically can perform 200-300 splices on a single battery charge.

- Fusion Splicing - Do your splicers come with cleaving tools?

Some of our kits include precision fiber cleavers. We also sell cleavers separately.

- Fusion Splicing - Are your splicers suitable for outdoor use?

Yes, many of our models are ruggedized for field use, with dust and water resistance ratings.

- Fusion Splicing - Do your splicers have automatic functions?

Yes, our splicers feature automatic fiber alignment, fusion, and loss estimation.

- Fusion Splicing - Can your splicers handle ribbon fibers?

Yes, many of our models can splice both single fibers and ribbon fibers.

- Fusion Splicing - How often should the electrodes be replaced?

Electrodes typically last for about 3,000 to 5,000 splices. Our splicers will alert you when replacement is needed.

- Fusion Splicing - What's the price range for your fusion splicers?

Start from JD 1100 -2500 it all depends on the product features and the quantity 

- Fusion Splicing - Do your splicers have data storage capabilities?

Yes, our splicers can store splice data, including images and loss estimates, which can be later transferred to a computer.

- Fusion Splicing - What's the maximum fiber count for ribbon splicing?

it handle up to 12- 24 fiber ribbons. depends on the  models you chose

- Fusion Splicing - Do your splicers have built-in heating ovens for splice protectors?

Yes, most of our models include built-in heaters for fusion splice protectors.

- Fusion Splicing - Do you offer a free replacement while my Fusion Splicer been serviced?

Yes, we offer our good customer a free replacement until their machine is ready 

- Fusion Splicing - Are software updates available for your splicers?

Yes, we regularly release software updates to improve performance and add features. These can be easily installed via USB.

- Fusion Splicing - Are you the only authorized distributor for the fusion splicing?

Yes we are are the only authorized distributor in the middle east

- OTDR - Do you give a replacement OTDR until mine serviced?

It depends on the type of damage if we think the damage is fixable then yes.

- Support - Do you offer after sale support?

Yes, and our after-sale support its to be proven one of the best in the world.

- SMS Software - Do I require an internet connection?

Yes internet connection required at least once every 7 days to make sure your application up to date.

- Warranty - Do you offer warranty on all the products ?

Yes, we offer comprehensive warranty on all our Products.

- Warranty - How many year warranty you offer?

We  offer a 3-years warranty on all our products, and in some cases extend to 5 years 

- Training - Do you provide training for using the splicers?

Yes, we offer training sessions both in-person and online for proper use and maintenance of our products.

- Alarm - Do you sell and Install Alarm system?

Yes we do 

- Time & Attendance- Can i use Time & Attendance using fingerprint devices ?

Yes you can connect finger print device direct to the PC  

- Visitor Management - do i require a special PC?

Any PC can work with our Visitor management solution 

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