Lost and Found
What is it?
SMS Lost & Found using digital technology, is designed to replace the old method of manual handwritten lost and found books and to cater the urgent needs to have a standardized, centralized and an efficient way dealing with lost property.
As you are aware that lost property is very valuable for its owner and must be dealt with extreme care, most of the people using a book to document lost property, with no memory, and if the book is lost or damaged then there is no back up records of any of the properties in the possession. With SMS lost & found accountability and security is no longer a grey area.
When someone claims their property, the system generate a random security question before the release of the property, to ensure that the correct person is claiming it.
- Desktop application with web accessibility
- State of the art design & functionality
- Comprehensive detailed documentation of a lost item
- Counts for each item found
- Generate random questions for verification before the release of the lost items
- Mandatory identification requirement to complete the process of handover
- Efficient
- Free Cloud Backup
- User Friendly
- Environment Friendly
Lost / Found application effectively manages lost items. It accurately manages lost possessions and the return of such possessions to the original owner. Upon discovery of a lost possession, the application requires a detailed information to be gathered for future collection. It has excellent verification features, which ensures that all recovered items are returned to the correct party. Its advanced search function provides a better search experience. Photos and digital signature feature allow for even more accurate item retrieval. That is why Lost & Found is a powerful application and integral part of Smart Multi-Purpose Solutions (SMS).
- Residential & Commercial properties
- Schools
- Colleges
- Universities
- Airport
- Airlines
- Business
Lost / Found application effectively manages lost items. It accurately manages lost possessions and the return of such possessions to the original owner. Upon discovery of a lost possession, the application requires a detailed information to be gathered for future collection. It has excellent verification features, which ensures that all recovered items are returned to the correct party. Its advanced search function provides a better search experience. Photos and digital signature feature allow for even more accurate item retrieval. That is why Lost & Found is a powerful application and integral part of Smart Multi-Purpose Solutions (SMS).
System Requirements
- 64-bit Windows 7+
- Intel® Core™ i7 – 6900K 6th Generation
- 16 – 32GB RAM
- Min 1TB HDD
- Permanent internet connection advisable (However SMS requires internet connection atleast once every 7 days for license validation)
Hardware Requirements
- Scanner (Mandatory)
- Signature Pad(Mandatory)
- Webcam (Optional)
- ID Card Reader (Optional)
- Passport Reader (Recommended)
Lost / Found application effectively manages lost items. It accurately manages lost possessions and the return of such possessions to the original owner. Upon discovery of a lost possession, the application requires a detailed information to be gathered for future collection. It has excellent verification features, which ensures that all recovered items are returned to the correct party. Its advanced search function provides a better search experience. Photos and digital signature feature allow for even more accurate item retrieval. That is why Lost & Found is a powerful application and integral part of Smart Multi-Purpose Solutions (SMS).